Cooling Mint Tea

It's late July here in Southern Delaware, and it is HOT. We are at the height of pitta season in the northern hemisphere. That means pitta-related ailments abound, like sunburn, heat rash, acid reflux, and your general pitta irritability and short-temperedness. When it gets this hot, drinking water is definitely important. But sometimes your body needs a little more to cool off and rehydrate.

One of my favorite cooling treats this time of year is a tall glass of cold infusion mint tea. According to ayurveda, spearmint's energy, or virya, is cooling, which helps to balance pitta's fiery nature and soothe pitta-related ailments. It is considered in herbalist traditions to be a refrigerant, meaning it helps to cool the body from the inside out. It is also a carminative herb, meaning it helps to calm and soothe the organs of digestion.

If you have an herb garden, you know the mint is going crazy this time of year, so get your herb scissors and get cutting! If you don't have a mint plant handy, I would highly recommend adding it to your indoor or outdoor herb family.


  1. Gather one ounce (about 1 cup) of fresh mint leaves. Give them a good rinse.

  2. Bundle herbs in cheesecloth and tie at the top. (You can skip this step if you'd rather strain later.)

  3. Fill a quart jar with cold water and submerge the leaves.

  4. Loosely screw on the lid and allow to infuse overnight.

  5. Pour yourself a glass and enjoy!

**This infusion usually lasts 3 days in the fridge.


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